The thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia), also known as the sprosser, is a small passerine bird. It is a migratory insectivorous species breeding in forests in Europe and the Palearctic and overwintering in Africa (from Wikipedia)
why did I select this bird to remix? i’m not sure to be honest… probably because of their beautiful call ~
it had been some time since I produced the last bird boy song, Eastern Phoebe, and my life had changed a lot… I had become a dad!
my son was born in august and life has been a rollercoaster ~ I had started on a new track featuring a Great Horned Owl, but it was still fairly rough. I came across the sound for the Thrush Nightingale and I thought it was so musical and peaceful so I decided to start working on the track.
I produced the drums on my MPC One and sampled and mixed on Ableton Live. I had been listening to a lot of Daft Punk around this time, so there is a bit of a synthy quality to the Nightingale’s song.
Nightingales are the DJs of the forest, I suppose!
Sound Recordist ~ Patrik Åberg
Illustrator ~ Aubrey Postier